The New “Dry Humping” and HPV

By Dr. Drai
By Dr. Drai

 Good morning #Preggos and


Today, let’s talk about HPV (Human Papillomavirus), which is the most common sexually transmitted disease.

About 79 million Americans are currently infected with HPV and about 14 million people become newly infected each year. Ladies … you can get this virus through genital-to-genital contact- such as DRY HUMPING, sex- oral, vaginal, or anal. In pregnancy, there’s a small risk of passing HPV to your baby.

Most people infected with HPV do not realize they are infected, or that they are passing HPV on to their partners.

HPV can still be present even if years have passed since you have been in contact with an infected person. This virus can cause genital warts, warts in the throat, and cancer of the cervix, vagina, vulva, penis, anus, and throat. There are HPV vaccines that are safe and effective and can prevent you from getting the most common types of HPV that lead to disease and cancer. Don’t forget to ask your doctor about this vaccine; sometimes we forget to mention it to our patients.

Consistent condom use can lower the risk of transmission, however there are infected areas that are not covered by condoms. Ladies- even if he is wearing a condom (and by the way you should always use condoms), a man with a short penis when he inserts it, is more likely to touch your uncovered genital area with his-body to body contact- which increases your risk of getting HPV- genital warts. You can also lower your risk of having HPV by having only one sexual partner so be faithful ladies. Remember, we have no cure for HPV.


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